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Friday, 31 August 2012

Hard to believe!!

Hard to believe it, but we're already a week back in school. Slowly but surely the summer gives way as an autumnal nip arrives in the air. It's always great to see how well First Years are welcomed into school. We can all remember our first day at secondary (even some of us teachers!). Of course at first it's bound to be a little daunting. But then nervousness gives way to excitement and anticipation...the thrill of entering a science lab, home ec kitchen or PE Hall  for the first time... your own locker, new uniform, new class mates, new teachers, new extra curricular activities..

It's amazing really how teachers and established students get back into the routine. In a few hours on the first day back timetables, books and computers are sorted, and life goes on just as it did last June.

There is also a frenzy of activity in early autumn. Here at St Mary's we have some long established cherished traditions, such as our school mass and walk. As a local resident put it recently, you know summer's gone and autumn's here when you see the girls and teachers of St Mary's parading along the seafront on their annual school fundraising walk!

Indeed, as the Bible tells us: "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven" Soon, before we know it Halloween will be upon us and the mid term break, and then the preparations for Christmas will begin. The academic year and the circle of life continues.

But St Mary's will always be home to students and staff, past and present. Over the last few days it was nice to see last year's Sixth Years return for information on college places and Leaving Cert rechecks. We wish them all the very best and remind them that St Mary's will always be their school..

The Learning Support Department has an active profile on twitter. We regularly tweet about events in the school or about resources that our teachers and students have found useful and enjoyable.

Check us out at stmarysls on twitter, or via your search engine at

Our colleagues in the Careers and Geography Department enjoy a good tweet too.

You can follow them at and

The school as a whole will also be tweeting about upcoming events or matters of interest at 

About us

One of the most exciting things about attending secondary school in Ireland nowadays is seeing the number of students from vastly different backgrounds.

Here at St Mary's in beautiful Baldoyle we are proud to have students from all types of backgrounds and origins. We have an inclusive ethos which means we have girls from different countries, often with differing native languages and traditions. We are also home to students who have different learning styles, sometimes because of language or physical needs, or also because of a particular special need.

We are delighted to allow all students become fully inclusive in school life. Our Learning Support facility is open to all students to help enhance their educational experience in our school. Learning Support has been very helpful to many students in helping them to secure future careers or places at college and university.

Hello and welcome!

Hi! Welcome to the new blog from The Learning Support Department at St Mary's Secondary School for Girls, in Baldoyle, Dublin, Ireland. Our Learning Support Department aims to help all our pupils and the wider community to access interesting educational links and information.

We hope these resources will be of  help to everyone, including those of us who may have a particular language or learning style.